Diane Szczepaniak passed away on October 25, 2019. Below is her artist statement.

From my beginning in the late 1970s with sculpting and drawing the figure, I have been driven by an exploration of the dynamics of form. One could almost say that the subject matter of my artwork is form itself, an attempt to capture the essence of an object as I see it in space. I play with light, contrast, scale and how movement and color fill space. I train myself to see form through all my senses in everything around me. Rather than try to reproduce a thing, I work to make visible that which the thing expresses, the natural energy within it that manifests itself in space.

My paintings are compositions where form emerges from layers of color. I paint with a wide brush and a lot of water. The colors of paint are mixed and then applied one on top of another, red on top of blue, blue on top of red, sometimes yellow over everything. I turn the painting to allow the colors to run and to work from all vantage points. I see relationships among elements of color, space and objects that surround me and fill my thoughts. I translate my sensory experiences into color and space. I use my senses to look through color to content and find links between idea and form. When successful, the space created in the painting becomes a sense experience that eludes description but is felt in the body.